Sonntag, 17. Februar 2013

Xfce dark theme firefox font color issue

Good evening everybody!

For quite a while now I'm using xfce with a nicely looking dark/black theme ("dark orange bird" to be precise) and it's just so much better for my eyes this way.
There has only been one problem coming along with it, namely appearing in firefox, which was that FF seemingly adopted the white font color from the system when rendering fonts in input fields (e.g. in the main search field on the google webpages).

Unfortunately, "Preferences" -> "Content" -> "Colors" -> disable "Use system colors" did not resolve the problem, so I had to google a bit further and finally found Stefan Hellmann's guide HERE

The Problem described there was bit different from mine, since I wanted everything to stay "normal" with a white google page and black letters on white ground, so the userContent.css I ended up with looked a bit different:

input { 
   -moz-appearance: none !important;
   color: black;

textarea {
   -moz-appearance: none !important;
   color: black;

I also had to create the "chrome" folder. And don't be confused - what was FOO:BAR in Stefan Hellmann's blog post can greatly differ from that. Usually it ends with :DEFAULT and (at least for me) starts with some seemingly random letters.

I hope this may help someone out there.
See you soon


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